In September 2023, a group of British and continental Morganeers ventured out on a lovely trip to Italy, while also visiting other European countries on their way.
David Roberts was the initiator of this trip and he also iniated a limited series of car badges and cloth badges for the occasion, featuring a midnight blue Morgan 2-seater.
Of the badge, 20 numbered and 5 unnumbered copies were made, most of which went to the participants.
One copy of each of these badges has turned up for sale in the UK, still unused!
The numbered badge, number 8, will come together with a patch and a free copy of the Morgan magazine featuring the trip. NOW SOLD!
Loose copies of the patch are available on the page for Morgan Pins and Patches
Morgan Odissea Italia 2023, badges
The two badges are located in the UK and will be shipped from there. Payments can be done in GBP, if so wished. Please enquire first, to arrange proper shipping.