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Very nice and vintage!


An absolutely pristine copy of the long defunct Dutch weekly magazine "Het Motorrijwiel en de Lichte Auto" - The Light Car and the Cyclecar, which hails back to 1913.


It could well be a sister magazine of the British periodical that had so much Morgan content over the years. It incorporated the official chronicle of the KNMV, the official club for motorycle owners.


 This magazine is devoted to the motorcycles and light cars that were available in The Netherlands, prior to World War II.


The colour cover alone is worth having! It shows an Ariel motorcycle and an Erskine car in front of a Shell filling station.


The text is in Dutch, but the adverts inside are very nice and collectable. To name but a few:

  • Studebaker cars, half page,
  • Peugeot Motorcycles, one third page,
  • Norton motorcycles, half page
  • Verrot Motorcycles, half page
  • Esso fuel, full page


Lots , lots more

The rear cover has a full page advert for Ariel motorcycles


Very collectable!

Motorrijwiel en Lichte Auto, 20 Februari 1930

€ 19,95Prezzo


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