Custom Badge Design Services
All Marques Welcome!
A sampling of our In-House Designer's badge designs
Click on any image to enlarge & read captions

Morgan Club located in Lyme Bay

Commissioned by the Morgan Centenary Roadster 100 Register

Car badge created for the California Morgan clubs' annual event

Created for the 50th year of San Francisco's Morgan dealer, Bill Fink

Design for new Ohio Morgan Owners Group Badge

Created for Belgium MOG

All Morgans' Day at Blenheim Palace Badge #2, benefitting the Combat Stress organization for UK veterans. Gilt version of the publicly available badge.

All Morgans' Day at Blenheim Palace Badge #2 in Green, created for the Morgan Centenary Roadster Register 100.

Modification of their exisiting logo for their 20th anniversary badge

Options designed for members of a Bentley club

Resulting pin from the selected design

Car badge commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Morgan +8 in Holland

End result of gilt design

Naughty Boy's Club badge, created on a freelance basis.

My first non-Morgan badge design.

Car badges I designed from 2014-2016

The finished product

Maroon Version

My badge design for Talk Morgan, inspired by their existing logo, which I created on a freelance basis.

Morgan 4/4 80th Anniversary Badge by Tcherek Kamstra & Neil Martin - Green Edition

Two versions were made with reverse color schemes, both sold out quickly.

Actual badge - the sequel to the first Black Sheep Morgan Lovers' Club Badge

The first set of badges made using my designs.

Badge design for private badge

Approved artwork for badge

Special limited edition Gilt version of the Blenheim Badge

The approved artwork for the Swiss M3W Treffen Badge.

Created for the North Bay British Car Club in Northern California

Larry Guzin wished to have a badge created from his patch made by Himalayan locals. This was the final product, with much of the proceeds from sales being donated to earthquake relief efforts in Nepal.

Artwork created for the Morgan Plus 4 Club 60th Anniversary Badge, using the club's existing logo.

Artwork created for the Morgan Plus 4 Club 60th Anniversary Badge, using the club's existing logo.

Artwork created for the Morgan Plus 4 Club 60th Anniversary Badge, using the club's existing logo.

Artwork created for the Morgan Plus 4 Club 60th Anniversary Badge, using the club's existing logo.

Artwork created for the Morgan Plus 4 Club 60th Anniversary Badge, using the club's existing logo.

Southern California Morgan Plus 4 Club 60th Anniversary Badge

A third version of just 25 badges was made after these - the "Artist's Edition" which features a Black border.

Very rare version of the Hawaii badge.

The badge with a green border. In all, 6 versions of this badge were produced over two runs.

Cream colored version offered in the second production.

Designed for German Morgan Club

The completed Lew Spencer Badge, made for the Morgan Sports Car Club Deutschland

One of the badge designs created for China Morgan Badge

Options created for China Morgan Badge

Preliminary option

Variations created for China Morgan Badge

Badge created for Morgan dealership of China

The final badge, only 25 made.
Need help with designing a customized car badge for yourself or your club? Our In-House Artist 's artwork is original and created just for you.
From conception to completion, our design services can be used to create a fully customized design for your badge. Typically the design process includes the following:
• After discussing the desired effect and theme your badge (and any of your proposed ideas) with you, our Artist will present you with up to three images from which to choose. These will be preliminary and will represent any concepts you requested initially, if any.
• From here minor changes and revisions can be requested, and up to a total of six revised versions of your selected design are included at no extra charge. (These should be modifications of your approved design.)
• While rarely necessary, additional designs and revisions (beyond the 6 included) are available, charged at the Artist's hourly rate.
• Upon approval of final design, a high resolution image will be provided, suitable for badge production.
Our goal is to translate your idea into artwork that is customized to represent your vision, while maintaining elements necessary for a successful badge. Your input is welcome at every stage of design, and you have the option to work in tandem with our Artist, or, if you prefer, leave all the work to us!
Additional details can be found in the Artist's Agreement, happily supplied upon request. Read what previous clients had to say about their badge launching experience on the Testimonials page.
Our artist has also created the following for British car enthusiasts worldwide:
custom holiday cards (featuring graphics created using photos of Morgans supplied by the client) as well as:
custom logos • event posters • T shirt designs • Isis Imports Morgan Calendar • print ads published in The Robb Report and The Dupont Registry • web sites • automotive art portraits etc. Contact her directly at
Artistic services provided by Tcherek Kamstra, MorganCarBadges' In-House Badge Designer