Our Services
We offer a full range of comprehensive Badge Services - Below is a brief summary of services offered to Regalia Collectors as well as Morgan Automobile Aficionados Worldwide.

Launching New Car Badges

Badges - Buy
& Sell
Thinking about producing a badge, but not certain how to tackle it?
Drop us a line to discuss what you want, how you want it and whether we can assist in giving you that push which helps you in crossing that line.
Those wishing to produce a badge for their club, anniversary, event or any occasion may utilize our custom car badge design services.
Rates are extremely reasonable and payment is due only upon your approval of the design.
Our goal is to transform your vision into beautiful artwork that is viable for a badge - successful in production and sales - for your cause. If needed our artist can work with you every step of the way, from conception to completion. Click HERE for more details about
the designing process.
Our inventory features a varied stock of different car badges, issued from the 1970s to the present. In some cases the badges are older.
A large percentage of the badges that turn up for sale don't even make it to the site, but are instead sold directly through our network of avid collectors in all corners of the globe.
For varying reasons people may want to dispose of badges. Reasons for this may include having duplicates of certain copies, needing more space in the house, etc.
The purchase of collections, small or large, can always be discussed. Among the network may be people looking for a collection to start with, or perhaps a sufficient number from your existing collection is wanted.

Badges Wanted
Some badges are in high demand and rarely appear for sale.
Many badges are rare and coveted by collectors. When coming up for sale, these in general end up with people who issued "wants lists" with us.
If you take a paid membership -see https://morgancarbadges.com/plans-pricing - you get informed as soon as your wanted items appear and also get pre-informed about coming issues of new badges, so that you don't miss out.
At the same time you qualify for a discount.

Commissioned Badge Sales
Whether you are a club or an individual, if you have a surplus of car badges, you are welcome to enquire about the possibility of having these sold through this site and/or our vast network of collectors worldwide.
Several options are possible. Please feel free to send us an e-mail describing your goals. We are happy to answer questions, or to assist in any way we can with your badge related ventures.

Selling Advice
When considering the sale of your collection of car badges and/or other regalia - either your entire collection or portion thereof - we will be pleased to offer you advice.
We have access to an extensive network of collectors, and can assist you in finding an appreciative buyer for your beloved items.
Please note that the larger collections are more difficult to sell in their entirety at the price level a smaller set (or individual, sought after item) might command.

Not Only Morgan!
Aforementioned services also apply to other motoring clubs and groups.
We do offer a selection of car badges from marques other than Morgan. Our badge launching as well as commissioned sales services are available for any automotive club, organization, or individuals looking to issue a badge. From recreating a previous club design to creating a completely new design, we specialize in custom car badges.
Also smaller objects, like pins, patches, key fobs can be commissioned through us.
For those who would welcome creative direction or design assistance, you do have the option of working with our artist. Our goal is to transform your ideas into artwork as distinctive and customized as you would like.
Photograph on this page by Tom Van Zuiden